Saturday, December 24, 2011

thank you, dear kidneys.

i have been trying to drink more water lately.

i hate drinking water.

i think it's gross.

especially when i have other nectars beckoning to me...

namely SPRITE


and other syrupy carbonated delights.

but i want to be healthier.

so i drink water.

kind of.

i drink water with those little crystal light packets mixed in.

it's been working out pretty well so far.

(as far as i know...)

it's like

adult kool-aid.

and i love kool-aid.

the problem with drinking this adult kool-aid

is that it makes it so that i'm rushing to the bathroom

all the time.

but it's neat being well-hydrated

because it makes your pee less yellow.

so after four bottles of adult kool-aid,

my pee is practically clear!

it's like ghost pee.

and i am oft tempted to not flush when i'm done,

just because no one can detect

the ghost pee.

random side note:
i love kool-aid,
but i HATE tang.
satan made tang.
and satan is a jerk.

Monday, December 19, 2011

music video monday 1 = impossible/anberlin

when i was on facebook,

i started a tradition of posting 

a music video 

every monday

as a means of 


new music 


delightful videos.

but now,

i am no longer on facebook 


so i've decided 

to do it here 


i shall start with

my most favorite band of all of everything:


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

old blogs won't learn new tricks, probably.

i've tried a couple times to get this blogging business off the ground.

but it's just so hard for me.

i have a hard time remembering to update.

and when i do update, 

i write stuff,

and then i'm like, 

"wait a minute...

...who cares?"

but then i look at my dear friend ashley's blog 

and how pretty it is

and my sister lindsay's blog 

and how hilarious she is

and i am inspired.

and so i'm going to try blogging

for nobody else

but myself.

and if you find that you are enjoying yourself,

let me know!

for that news 

would tickle me pink!!


here are old blogs of mine that have fizzed out of existence:

the one about being bored.

the one i made while i was in japan.

tra la la.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

internet is a time-suck.


i'm on the computer a lot.  

and here is proof:

please notice that i have no facebook.  

well, i do have one, 

but i made my friend change my password

so that i can never get on again.

and every day, 
i  think about

what a good decision that was.

[hint: visit me at those websites!!!]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

new mantra.


is the true joy in life;

the being used for a purpose 

recognized by yourself

as a mighty one;

the being 

thoroughly worn out

before you are 

thrown on the scrap heap;

the being a 

force of Nature

instead of a 



little clod 



and grievances


that the world

will not devote itself

to making you


--george bernard shaw.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011


sleep deprivation 

leads you to believe 

that you are funnier 

than you really are.

image via weheartit.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sense of humor.


made me reasonably intelligent.

. . .

but he didn't give me any prudence.

i think it's so i can make Him laugh...

Friday, April 22, 2011

if wishes were fishes...

i wish that . . .

breasts were detachable.

life would be so much more comfortable...

Monday, April 11, 2011


"love anything 

and your heart will be wrung and possibly 


if you want to make sure of keeping it intact 

you must give it to no one

not even an animal.

wrap it carefully round 

with hobbies and little luxuries; 

avoid all entanglements

lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.

but in that casket--


it will change. 

it will not be broken; 

it will become 



to love is to be vulnerable."

-- clive staples lewis

images via weheartit.