Friday, February 25, 2011

now paging . . .

if my last name was 
LOVE . . .

i would become a doctor.

. . .

because then, people could call me 

and it wouldn't even be a joke. 

 images via weheartit.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i've never been very good at expressing myself.

especially with words.

which is why the name of my blog is 
a little misleading.  

it should be named
the inarticulate babbler.

but as you can see, 

i didn't name it that.

. . .

it is my hope to become a little more artistic and expressive.

to be an eloquent orator is a goal of mine.  

this blog's purpose is to fulfill that goal.

plus it sounds really cool...

images via weheartit.

here we go again.

i've never been very good at this blogging business.

 i follow "professional" blogs.

a lot of my friends have blogs.

but i don't have one of my own.  

because i have the hardest time keeping it updated.

but i have come to believe that blogging is a lovely form of self-expression.

one that i would love to try out again.

hello again, blogdom.