Monday, December 16, 2013

music video monday 34 = like an angel passing through my room/sissel + the mormon tabernacle choir

okay, so it's not actually a music video.

but i lovelovelovelove this song and performance

and needed to share.

also, it's christmasy.  

you're welcome.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

t-shirts #7-#15

t-shirt #7

a sweet wal-mart find.

t-shirt #8

also from wal-mart.

i specifically purchased this one for the midnight showing of the avengers.

(fun fact: my favorite avenger is actually iron man.  but i adore them all.)

t-shirt #9

this looks like a sports t-shirt,

specifically highlighting the 

gamecocks vs. tigers rivalry.

but surprise!!

i actually got it at an emery concert.

one of my favorite bands.

t-shirt #10

this may just look like a tron t-shirt to most people,

but to nerds fans like me,

we all know it's a daft punk t-shirt.


i'm a huge fan of daft punk

and of tron!

so what a perfect t-shirt i found 

at hot topic.

t-shirt #11

another glorious wal-mart find.

these t-shirts crack me up

and are a bit of a vice of mine...

t-shirt #12

my friend jordan got this for me for my birthday one year!

i looooooove bleach.

one of my favorite animes.

t-shirt #13

i'm also a huge fan of doctor who.

thank you for this shirt, threadless.

t-shirt #14

reppin' my dance school,

i love highland dance.  :)

t-shirt #15

i really had to dig to find this t-shirt.

i found this beautiful design on tumblr

and just had to see if i could find the same design on a t-shirt.

and i found it!

just don't remember where...

did i mention i like daft punk?

Friday, December 6, 2013

t-shirts #4-6

my t-shirts the past couple of days.

t-shirt #4

sweet princess mononoke t-shirt!!  

princess mononoke is one of my very favorite movies.

i got this one on one of those websites that has a new t-shirt every day.

can't think of which one.  :S

t-shirt #5

fighting doctor doom

in space.

you just don't get much cooler than that.

got this one at threadless.

t-shirt #6

clearly, i like power rangers.

i got this one at hot topic on clearance.

which is why it's a little big.

do i care?


Monday, December 2, 2013

t-shirt #3

we (my mom, dad, younger brother, younger sister, and i)

last summer?  i think...

it was so much fun!  i hope we go again sometime.

anyway, got this t-shirt there

because i thought it was cool

indian side bum and all.

sheez, i REALLY need to clean my mirror...

music video monday 32 = what else is there?/röyksopp

to capitalize on the röyksopp week i've been having,

here's one of their videos.

it's rather eerie.  

and beautiful.

i wish i was scandinavian.  :[

Sunday, December 1, 2013

reign of the t-shirt queen.

i own an incredible amount of t-shirts.

i just really love them, for whatever reason.

so i have accumulated quite a collection.

the other day i was talking to my roommate/bff erin

and i was like, 

"dude.  i have so many t-shirts.  i should count them all."

and, being a creative genius,

she suggested that i see how long i can go

wearing a different t-shirt each day

and take a picture

and count them that way!

so that is what i am doing.  

t-shirt #1

green ranger t-shirt!  i got this one online at 

one of those daily t-shirt deal type things.

green ranger. 

need i say more?

i need to clean my mirror...

t-shirt #2

i got this at a police reunion concert in 2008.

of course i had to get a commemorative t-shirt.

sting's face is kind of squashed here.

sorry, man.

Monday, November 25, 2013

music video monday 31 = can't hold us/macklemore + ryan lewis

i just really want my life to be like this video.

plus this song is super great.

my mom thought he was saying,

"let the ceiling fan hold us,"

and she thought those were the dumbest lyrics ever

and i just think that's hilarious.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

music video monday 30 = evil/interpol

this song and this video

bring me right back to high school. wannabe indie days...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 songs on repeat this week.

i'm going to start listing 

the 5 songs i listen to most in a week.

...just in case anyone might be interested in 

my awesome taste in music.

5 songs on repeat this week:

18 - moby

take me over (mylo remix) - cut copy 

dragon roost island dubstep remix - ephixa

girls/girls/boys - panic! at the disco

butterfly (featuring mimi page) - bassnectar

pretty electronic this week...

Sunday, November 3, 2013



want to waste some time?

you should check out my tumblr page.

i tend to reblog things that i find beautiful.
(landscapes, skyscapes, dancers, minerals, anatomy, et cetera)

or things that make me laugh.

or pertain to my nerdiness. if you're interested in those things,

check it out!

music video monday 28 = run boy run/woodkid

so in love with this aesthetic.

and the song, of course.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

most triumphant.

i LOVE music videos.

in case you couldn't tell by my inconsistently updated music video mondays.

i can waste (and have wasted) hours and hours

watching music videos on youtube.

i think this love of music videos began in my childhood

when we would watch mtv as a family,

when mtv was harmless 

and was actually about music.

and now i LOVE music videos, 

especially music videos 

from the 1980's (the greatest generation for music.  trust me.)

so i decided to take the time

to put together an ultimate 80s music video playlist.

and here it is.

shuffle through a few

and tell me what you think!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

dear future husband.

it's storming outside right now.

storms are one of my favorite things to watch/hear/smell.

so if a rainstorm starts

and you don't turn out the lights

and crack a window

and curl up with me on the couch to watch it

there will be some serious problems.

Monday, April 22, 2013

dear future husband.

you should probably know 

that i still watch 

mighty morphin' power rangers.

my inner child is very close to the surface.

and if that doesn't jive with you,

then we should probably reevaluate things.

may the power protect you.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

music video monday 27 = worried about ray/the hoosiers

my parents discovered this delightful band 

whilst traveling in england a couple years ago.

it was love at first sight for me!

i'm totally crushing their frontman, irwin sparkes.  

awwww yeah.